Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ovarian Cyst And Pregnancy : A Functional Relationship

An Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy is not that strange of a combination. Ovarian cysts are a natural occurrence of the pregnancy cycle. A cyst is a closed sac that forms in the body. Ovarian cysts begin in the ovaries and can contain tissue, fluid, or blood. Cysts that form during pregnancy normally have fluid in them.

There are different types of ovarian cysts. Most cysts during a pregnancy are functional. This means that they occur because of normal functions in the ovaries. Luteum and follicular cysts are the two types of functional cysts. Some women choose to use birth control to prevent this normal function.

The corpus lutuem is a main function for pregnancy. It is released from the ovaries after the egg and distributes progesterone. The corpus luteum ranges from 2cm to 6cm and dissolves naturally. It can develop into a cyst, especially when it is larger. Any symptoms it causes normally diminish by the second trimester.

The follicular cyst is another type of functional cyst that can occur during pregnancy. This type of cyst occurs when the follicle holding the egg does not dissolve. The follicle then grows into a cyst. During pregnancy, a follicular cyst happens when a second egg is released but not fertilized. Similar to a luteum cyst, symptoms should disappear in a few months.

Even though these functional cysts are rather normal, they can case pain. Cysts that grow to large are able to rupture. Ruptured cysts can cause several hours of pain. Cysts can also attach to other surfaces and twist. Twisting cuts of blood supply causing nausea and pain.

Some cysts develop into a serious disease called ovarian cancer. As ovarian cancer mostly affects women in menopause, it is rare in pregnancy. It should not be a worry, but many doctors will check for cancerous cysts.


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