Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bad Breath Can be Fixed With a Tongue Scraper

Good breath is a must in our society. If you have bad breath, you may find yourself at a disadvantage in many social situations. People of the opposite sex are turned off by it, and it can be socially awkward and embarrassing.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t despair. There are things that you can do about it that go beyond the traditional regime of brushing your teeth and chewing gum more often. Let’s attack your bad breath at the root with a few of these strategies.

The first thing I’d suggest doing is changing your diet a little. Try cutting out the sugary and milky foods a bit, in favor of more fruits and vegetables.

If you must eat red meat (everyone loves some here and there), floss regularly after you eat it. Leaving this stuff in your teeth for days can cause a buildup of some really foul smells.

Drink a lot of water too. Drinking water helps to prevent mouth dryness. Bacteria thrive in a dry mouth and end up growing far more easily when your mouth is dry.

By drinking a lot of water, you’ll immediately see an improvement in your every day breath.
The last thing I would recommend doing is to buy a tongue scraper. By using one once or twice per day, you’ll be removing the bacteria from your tongue. This is usually the root of bad breath and it can easily be managed.

These are my best pieces of simple advice. There are, of course, more things that you can do, but trying these will definitely yield you some great results.

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